Angelo Affinita Award, here the names of the 3 winners!

After months of close, careful evaluation of more than 100 applications, the Scientific Board of the Angelo Affinita Award has determined the 3 winners of the 3 awards worth 10.000, 7.000 and 5.000 euros, for the best and most innovative Graduate thesis and PhD thesis. Here the winners…

And now, at last, the long awaited moment has come.

You know, I must confess that it hasn’t been easy at all.

We took even some more time for evaluating with great attention the over a hundred applications of the best graduate and PhD students all over Europe.

But I believe the result has been worth it.

We were so surprised by the great quality of the material, as a sign that talented students in the Italian and European universities are many.

Talents to be found and valued, with an ad hoc fellowship. Just as with Angelo Affinita Award.

Allow me to take a step back, before revealing you the name of the 3 winners, and tell you – in case you didn’t know it – what’s Angelo Affinita Award.

Angelo Affinita Award is a European competition to award 3 prizes to graduate theses, research fellowships or research projects for the best graduates and doctorates of European universities.

A true challenge among the best students all over Europe.

In early March (the exact date will follow shortly) the Award Ceremony of the 3 winners will be held in the prestigious Faculty of Engineering, at the University of Naples, Federico II.

The 3 awards, for a total of 22,000 Euros, will be distributed as follows:

1° prize equal to € 10.000,00 

2° prize equal to €   7.000,00

3° prize equal to €   5.000,00 

The prizes will be awarded to the authors of the most innovative Graduate thesis and PhD thesis applicable to topics related to the following areas:

  • Automotive Engineering,
  • Materials Engineering,
  • Chemical engineering,
  • Mechanical engineering,
  • Automation Engineering,
  • Industrial chemistry,
  • Other technical disciplines related to the Automotive industry

The time has now come: These are the names of the 3 winners, to whom we have asked to get a selfie, to immortalize this magical moment, for having won the Award!

In third place… Filippo Camisani, student at the University of Brescia! Author of the thesis “Generating of data related to the breaking strength of composite materials with thermoplastic polymer matrix, for automotive field”  

Here it is his selfie!

Filippo Camisani - 3° classificato Premio Angelo Affinita 2017
Filippo Camisani – Angelo Affinita Award 2017 – 3rd place


In second place we have Rossella Arrigo, student at the University of Palermo. 
Her thesis is “High-performance polymer based nano-composites: functionalization and immobilization of nano-structures”.

Here she is, in the picture!

Rossella Arrigo 2° classificato Premio Angelo Affinita 2017
Rossella Arrigo – Angelo Affinita Award 2017 – 2nd place


And the winner is… Paolo Vecchione, student at the University of Naples, Federico II! Incredibly complimentary things to you Paolo, for your thesis, in fact the best ever result among the 100 we have received! 
The title is  “Self reinforced polyamide composite laminates”.

Here’s the shot of the winner!

Paolo Vecchione 1° classificato Premio Angelo Affinita 2017
Paolo Vecchione – Angelo Affinita Award 2017 – 1st place


Now we just have the great celebration and the Award Ceremony: the exact date, around early March 2018, will follow shortly. The place will be the Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples, Federico II.

Congratulations again to the winners, and expect exiting news for the Angelo Affinita Award 2nd edition, to be held in 2018!


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