Industria Felix Award: SAPA recognized as best design enterprise of Campania region


This blog or magazine you are reading aims to get you into Sapa’s world, and into our cherished automotive world as well.

More generally, into corporate dynamics too, since research and innovation are further and further important factors in all sectors.

In fact, the key words “research” and “innovation”, in almost all articles, are always there.
It’s something I have said frequently: This is what we have understood in SAPA, since the company’s foundation, under the leadership of Angelo Affinita.

And it is also why, as you know, we have opted to create a solely dedicated engineering team called “Innovation in Engineering”, allocating to this project 5% of the turnover.

The award I want to talk about today has, as cornerstones, precisely these two SAPA hallmarks. Or, rather, the award is a consequence of these two principles we applied for years in our plants.

But first of all…



The award Industria Felix is a networking event meant for economic and financial information, analysing economic and financial company performances, creating a regional ranking of SME’s and large enterprises, for each product sector.

The 42 best businesses of the year were selected by a Scientific Board chaired by Prof. Cesare Pozzi, Business Management lecturer at the Luiss, and staffed, among others, by Unindustria Roma and Confindustria Campania delegates, based on an algorithm which ranks the evaluated companies by size, best Mol, positive Roe index, profit and an unchanged workforce delta or increasing, compared with the previous year.

SAPA successfully met all standards for the category “Best women-run business in design sector of Campania”, with our CFO and member of the Management Board (as well as being my sister) Mariangela Affinita, who received the prize in honour of the company.


Here the words she used for expressing her satisfaction:

“When I heard that SAPA would have been rewarded at such hotshot event as the Industria Felix’s one, I was impressed.
Moreover, I attended the LUISS and hence, the honour is greater.

This award is a clear sign that the companies of Campania can bring their value and their work of the highest quality to Italy, and above all, that there might be women and men making the right strategic decisions, each open to dialog, to make it happen.”

Moreover, the transparency of certified budgets, as we adopted in SAPA, makes Italian companies competitive and appealing on the international stage.

Together with the words of Antonio Affinita, my brother, SAPA Ceo and General Manger:

“All this has also been possible thanks to the investments the company addresses to the search of new talents from the Universities, as witnessed by the Angelo Affinita Award, promoted by SAPA, which involved hundreds of Italian and European universities and rewarded last April 3 young graduated students, one of them a promising female student, with 3 scholarships and one research agreement.

If Italy is re-launching its economy, it is partly thanks to those young researchers who choose to stay in Italy and contribute to the economic growth. We in SAPA are happy to provide them with all useful tools, financial and technical, to develop their projects in our plants.

In fact, it is a key part of our company policy, to focusing on the so-called “homeward talents”, namely, attracting in Campania the best talents that went overseas or outside the region to find job opportunities. In this way, we bring them back together to their families and affections, and we bring home an important intellectual and technical heritage as well. “

In other words, it was a great satisfaction for everyone. The inspiration to keep improving comes from such initiatives, which represent an occasion for celebrating, but an opportunity for dialogue with companies of excellence of other sectors as well.

The opening speech made by Vincenzo Boccia, President of Confindustria, has been particularly impactful, if we think about the political shifts we are experiencing in recent months:

“During the first edition of Industria Felix Award – Lazio and Campania compete, I wish to congratulate the Cultural Organization for promoting the event, together with the LUISS Guido Carli University and Cerved Information Solutions; it represents an amazing action aimed to highlight the industrial flagships of two important regions.

I welcome this opportunity to extend a warm greeting to the colleagues of Unindustria Roma-Frosinone-Latina-Rieti-Viterbo and Confindustria Campania who today witness the industrial excellence of their land, representing outstanding large enterprises and SMEs, but also many other companies that hold all the cards for demonstrating their growth capacity and the willingness to improve.

Examples which once again are the expression of a Made in Italy with great potential and lots of energy, without giving up and yes, raising.
These are business stories that deserve to be told, to convey a positive message and stimulate a healthy competition, but also to promote greater recognition to the companies social role, which is increasingly necessary, and needs a favourable environment to be developed: This in order to allow them to create more and more prosperity, integration, growth, development and employment.

We ask to institutions and public to listen, with ever more attention, to these companies voice: to you, representatives of these enterprises, I wish you all the best, and to the winners, our congratulations.

In short, I am happy that SAPA, year after year, is living up to expectations, being an increasingly, solid reality, recognized by more and more independent bodies. The particular fact that came up on the study done for the award, is that the companies of Campania are growing more than those of Lazio.

Wishing a sincere good luck to the companies of Lazio, indeed, I am happy to say that Campania and the genius of this beautiful land, thanks to the right commitment and the proper constancy, can really make a difference, not only in Italy, but worldwide as well.
You can find the photo gallery of the event, at the end of the article.

See you soon.

Giovanni Affinita.
Chief Sales Strategist and SAPA Management Board member


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