One day with the students from the Master’s courses in Human Resource Management and in Business Administration. They will carry out a sector analysis on SAPA, Unilever and Hitachi Group.
By visiting the Arpaia and Forchia plants, they could see how the car parts created with the world’s fastest patented method are produced.
“The future is in the hands of the young generation.”
This classic catchphrase tells the truth, today as well as it did in the past.
What has always annoyed me, however, is the tone of voice that these words are usually uttered with.
You know what I’m talking about, right?
Yes, I’m referring to sarcasm.
That kind of scepticism that is not even hidden.
I’m talking about that attitude of superiority that is based on I don’t know what.
Adults often don’t trust young people.
They look at the younger generations that are preparing to take part in social, cultural and economic life, and they think they won’t measure up to it.
Generalisation is the answer I’d give.
If you don’t feel like going more in depth into an issue, or you don’t have the time or the patience, then you stop at the surface of how things appear. If you don’t look deep into anything, it’s easy to make mistakes. Just like in this instance.
You see, this negative feeling is very much widespread in Italy as well. And this even though this land has seen many of the greatest minds of the past millennia grow here.
“They only care about their smartphones”.
“They live their lives on social networks”.
I have even heard the music that young people listen to being used to discredit them.
Label upon label, some people don’t realise that they are moving away from the real issue (and from the truth).
Sometimes I think that all it takes is simply to come into contact with these young people.
All it takes is to experience something like we experienced at SAPA.
A couple of days ago, at SAPA we received 30 the students from the Stoà Master’s courses in Human Resource Management and in Business Administration.

I’m not sure you have already heard about Stoà. It is the most prestigious and long-standing Management School in the South of Italy; it is one of Italy’s most important Business Schools and specialises in offering business administration and management courses.
Stoà is a non-profit joint-stock consortium company and among its partners are, among others, the Federico II University of Naples and L’Orientale, the Luigi Vanvitelli University of the Campania Region and the University of Salerno.
Many of the students that completed a master’s degree here went on to become successful managers in famous multinational or local companies.
And I am sure that many of the young people that made the day spent at SAPA come alive with their curiosity will be next.
Here, this is the point I want to make.
When they are in front of you, when you see them, when you talk to them, when you feel their desire to learn and you appreciate their open-mindedness, you realise that the way young people are portrayed is very different from reality.
We first received them at the Angelo Affinita Foundation, where we presented the Group in terms of numbers and of production plants, then they were further introduced to the secrets and the advantages offered by the One-Shot® Method, the world’s fastest patented method to produce car parts with:

The visit by the Stoà Master’s students was aimed a carrying out a sector analysis on SAPA (the other companies that will receive the students this year are Unilever and Hitachi Group).
So, after hearing how the One-Shot® Method compresses all the phases of the traditional car part production methods into just one all-in-one method, it was time to see it first-hand.
It was time to go where the magic happens.
First, to the Arpaia plant, where they looked at production. This is where our parts are produced in just one production area, following an automated process that does not need specialised manpower and reduces scraps significantly.
Then, we went on to Forchia, where the painting operations take place.

“Superior Parts, Superior Cars”, as we say.
In this way we are able to produce parts that have guaranteed performances and possess all the ISO certifications and we ensure that you can reach objectives such as having:
- Cycle time up to 900% faster and 300% productivity increase
- Lower costs and better commercial performance on your budget
- Fewer emissions, more lightweight and recyclable parts in line with Horizon 2020
The video says it best:
It was a special occasion indeed, and we will treasure the energy that these young people have infused into us.
And I bet that any of those who normally talk about young people with a sarcastic grin on their faces would change their mind if they had spent the day with these young people.
The Stoà Master’s students have discovered the secrets of the One-Shot® Method.
If you also would find out more on the only Method that guarantees that you reach your budget, cycle time, lightweighting and recyclability objectives that were given to you (and that you will never reach by sticking with the traditional method, which has not been innovated in decades), then fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
Kind regards,
Giovanni Affinita,
General Manager and Member of SAPA’s Board of Directors