Why growing also abroad? The words of Antonio Affinita

“A company that has more customers and turns to more markets is worth more”.

This is what recently explained Antonio Affinita, CEO of SAPA and Vice President of Confindustria Benevento with delegation to the internationalization.

A meeting that took place at the headquarters of Confindustria Benevento, during which participants discussed about export as an instrument for increasing corporate value.

A very dear topic also to SAPA that in recent years is constantly increasing its share of turnover abroad.

Not only that: the recent participation as speakers on the prestigious stage of Plastics in Motion 2017 (one of the world’s most important automotive plastics events) is the concrete and tangible testimony of how SAPA is moving in the foreign markets, dominated by giants.

A small reality, the one of SAPA, which however acts with the agility and precision typical of a David in the face of many Goliaths.

Patents and a short decision chain are the precise and fast sling that allows us to stay on the giants’ shoulders.

“The one of today is an effective meeting, resulting from an evaluation originating from a first scouting activity carried out between associated companies. Our survey revealed that most of the exporting companies in our territory are small and medium-sized enterprises, with a turnover of only 10 to 30 million euros, while in most of cases this is below 10 million euros.

The markets to which the surveyed companies have claimed to be most interested in – continued Affinita – are the European and US ones. The current turnover that the surveyed companies devote to exports is between 0 and 25% of total turnover. It also appears that almost all of the surveyed companies use their own funding sources to face foreign markets”.

“Export has always been one of the successful leverage to support the development of companies, allowing them to overcome periods of contraction in domestic demand – explained Filippo Liverini, president of Confindustria Benevento -.

Internationalization is a strategic, almost compulsory choice for companies that want to play a leading role and thus grow, improve and affirm themselves in the new competitive scenarios, characterized by globalization and the resulting gradual increase in competition, which puts the company in a condition to face day by day more exciting and complex challenges.”


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