The ANFIA (the Italian Association of the Automotive Industry) survey shows the growth of the automotive market over the past decade. Projections for 2023 indicate a further increase, provided you know how to optimise production. Here is why and how the One-Shot® Method will enable you to do so.
Building something as our life mission.
Ultimately, this is the red thread that led the SAPA Group to becoming the One-Shot Company.
Since I was a kid, I was exposed to the art of “creating things with your own hands”.
The art of creating truly Made in Italy unique items, and this art was then transformed into series production so as to “reach as many people as possible”.
For us here at SAPA, this is how things were from the beginning. The very SAPA company was created in this way.
It was the 1960s and in the family carpentry business, my father was helping my grandfather move from artisanal production to series production, whilst protecting the quality of the products.
This was the spark that led us to become what we have become.
You see, at SAPA we still experience that propelling energy that has always “forced” us to seek perfection in series production.
We still have the objective of achieving perfection.
And we couple it with the objectives of speeding production and of saving, which are two fundamental and strategic elements of industrial production and of the time we live in.
Whether the automotive sector is in a period of growth or of decrease, industrial optimisation is still an objective that all car makers need to pursue.
For this reason, SAPA, the One-Shot Company, decided to specialise in the optimisation of the production process.
Process specialists, this is what we have become.
We did so by building on the sense of responsibility that we feel towards people like yourselves who operate factories and implement new projects on a daily basis.
We did so by analysis in depth the issues that you face and that slow you down in your work.
We did so by searching for solutions that solve them and that enable you to keep up with (actually, to stay ahead of) what the market requires in an increasingly urgent way.
And we are now able to guarantee to you things like:
- Cycle time up to 900% faster and 300% productivity increase
- Lower costs and better commercial performance on your budget
- Fewer emissions, more lightweight and recyclable parts in line with Horizon 2020
These are your objectives, too, aren’t they?

You see, there is one thing we are sure of.
It is by making it easier for you to reach the objectives that were given to you that it becomes possible to initiate a virtuous circle that the entire automotive sector can benefit from.
Because it is people like you that are and remain at the heart of our industry.
Thanks to the direct experience I have daily with factories, I know how important your role and your work are. For this reason, I have decided to report some data in this article that might seem to be at odds with “common sense”.
I am writing to you today to demonstrate to you that if one wants to invest, this is the right time.
Do you not believe me?
Here are two good reasons to do so:
1. Worldwide automotive production is on the increase
You are probably being bombarded with news about this or that big company closing down, or about GDP stagnating in this or that country.
But, as I’m sure you know, generic information is just generic.
The true reality is that the actual numbers related to automotive production show a different picture. In the following lines I will demonstrate to you that, based on the data, this is actually the right moment to take advantage of this new situation.
2. The optimisation of the production process is the key
If you work in the automotive sector, you have probably had to carry out activities related to process optimisation every single day.
Have you tried to reduce the number of phases of the production process?
Have you tried to eliminate some phases or some components to reduce costs?
I’m sure you know that the industrial process impacts on of every car sold for 90% of the production cost.
For this reason, all car makers have the objective of reducing this ginormous portion to maintain or to increase their competitiveness on the market.
But let’s proceed in order.
I received the data collected by ANFIA, the Italian Association of the Automotive Industry on the past decade and their future projections.
Here is a summary.
- Cars produced: From 47.767 million in 2009 to 71.046 million in 2018
- Commercial vehicles produced: From 10.663 million in 2009 to 20.863 million in 2018
- Trucks produced: From 3.027 million in 2009 to 4.614 million in 2018
- Buses produced: From 297K in 2009 to 314K in 2018
Totalling 96.839 million vehicles in 2018.
Another interesting data on the increase of the worldwide vehicle production relates to the geographical distribution of this increase.
The numbers related to the period between 2009 and 2018 tell about a general increase in vehicle production around the world.
- Europe: from 15.3 million to 18.8 million
- Japan: from 7.9 to 9.7 million
- In the Nafta countries (US, Canada, Mexico): from 8.8 to 17.4 million
- In the Bric countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China): from 20.2 million to 37.6 million
- In “other” countries: from 9.4 to 13.3 million
And that was not all.
Despite a slight drop of 4% in 2019 (for the first time since 2009), vehicle production is expected to rise constantly to reach 103 million vehicles in 2023 – ANFIA reports based on the data by Fitch Solutions.
For this reason, relying on suppliers that are capable of optimising industrial production in this context can help reach the desired economic and operational results.
And for this reason, the SAPA Group, i.e. the One-Shot Company decided to specialise in solutions that reduce the number of phases and reduce costs as well as waste of raw materials.
By compressing all the phases of the traditional car part production methods into just one, all-in-one method.

The optimisation of the production process
As I said, the production process impacts for 90% of the production cost.
For this reason, continuous search for methods, materials and processes that reduce this impact is the way forward to maximise results and penetrate the market successfully.
Let me quote, as a means of example, a recent incident that caught the attention of all the automotive stakeholders.
The merger between FCA and PSA caught the attention of all of us, since it will result in the creation of the 4th largest car maker in the world in terms of production and the 3rd in terms of turnover.
This merger will save the resulting group €3.7 billion.
By sharing technology for several types of products and by taking into consideration the production capabilities of the plants, the new group will go through a huge optimisation process.
This proves that there is no other way other than relying on research and development and replying on suppliers that can support a company’s desire to grow and that focus on process optimisation and on reducing costs.
According the data referred to above, we are but at the beginning of a new, thriving period of growth for vehicle production.
Those who work in the automotive sector have a duty of identifying solutions that bring immediate advantages and have a medium to long term scope, if they don’t want to run the risk of lagging behind.
For this reason, the question we need to ask ourselves now is
There is but one way to give yourself an objective answer: not relying on feelings but on facts.
Data, numbers, proof. And it was in this way that I compared the car part traditional production method with the One-Shot® Method.
Here you can find 20 good reasons why the One-Shot® Method is objectively the superior option.

In the meantime, I can tell you what you will obtain with it:
- Infinite productivity
- Production cycle up to 900% faster
- More lightweight and recyclable parts in line with Horizon 2020
- Reduced CO2 emissions
One-Shot® is the method that meets the most urgent needs of the automotive market, it has already been adopted with success by the engineers of Volkswagen, Jeep, FCA and other important car makers
If you would like to reach easily your budget, cycle time, lightweighting and recyclability objectives that were given to you, fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
Kind regards,
Giovanni Affinita
General Manager and Member of SAPA’s Board of Directors