How to achieve industrial excellence: SAPA invited to WCM Awards 2017

SAPA has been invited (among 500 FCA worldwide suppliers) to WCM Awards 2017, a biennial world event, where the industrial plants from all over the world are rewarded for hitting the five stars in standards of excellence in World Class Manufacturing methodology.

Achieving excellence in industrial production is not a cakewalk. It’s a target for many, but not everyone succeeds in achieving it.

On the contrary, only few companies really manage to make it through to top positions in terms of productivity, safety, compliance with environmental objectives and worker training.

For this reason World Class Manufacturing has been created. What does it involve?

World Class Manufacturing (o WCM) is a methodology adopted at FCA Group in 2005 and inspired by the lean manufacturing principles.

I am talking about an integrated system of standardised tools for organizing the manufacturing process with the aim of a steady improvement of productivity, safety at the work place, with particular focus on environment.

Everything goes through permanent people training.

At a later time FCA established WCM association, to which SAPA acceded, starting its march towards the Bronze level.

This year we have been invited (together with 6 out of 500 FCA suppliers only) to attend WCM Awards 2017, a prestigious, biennial world event – the previous editions took place in Biesko Biala (Poland) and Detroit (USA) – during which manufacturing plants and companies from all over the world has been rewarded for their standards of excellence in World Class Manufacturing methodology.

Ariston Thermo and Elica Group welcomed the guests inviting all to walk resolutely the path to industrial excellence.

Along with the giants in automotive world, and beyond, this year we were there with our Operation Director Vito Colaizzi and WCM Support and Coordinator of the group Giovanna Frulio.

The day was organized in two moments: the morning at bronze plants (Ariston Thermo Plant in Osimo and Fime Elica Plant, motors division in Castelfidardo) to observe the best applications of WCM methodology and the evening at the historical theatre Gentile in Fabriano, for the Awards Ceremony.

During the event the prizes were awarded to many plants of the companies who join the Wcm program: 1 gold medal, 22 silver medals e 51 bronze medals, to which should be added the Special Awards” Wce, Wcl, Prototype and Suppliers.

This year we have had the privilege of being present at the award show of the Best Plants of the World.

But our goal is not to be viewers only.

The goal is to come back in two years and – this time – as award-winning company, achieving the first bronze medal of the group.

If you want to further explore this topic and discuss it with our engineers, write now to, one of SAPA Genius will contact you within 24 hours.


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