People are talking about us: SAPA’s backed Space Launch on the Corriere del Mezzogiorno

The probe, launched on June 4th collaborating with the Abachos Project, has returned to base, with the data it collected during his stratosphere journey

The Corriere della Sera, Mezzogiorno edition, has dedicated an article to the SAPA’s financed Abachos initiative (Automatic Back Home System). A bold adventure involving a probe reaching 36000 meters, then automatically returning to base.

The news outlet has faithfully documented the fact. I wish to share this with you, by making the pdf of the article available, simply by clicking on the picture below.

Click on the picture to read the entire article from the Corriere del Mezzogiorno!


Best wishes,

Giovanni Affinita
Chief Sales Strategist and member of SAPA’s Board of Directors.


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