The 13th edition of the Automation&Testing exhibition took place in Turin from 13 to 15 of February: it brings together the best technologies for production automation and for accurate product verification.

There are many elements that we share with A&T – Automation & Testing and that led us to participate in this year’s edition. Since 2007 this exhibition was able to grow and evolve and it became not only a meeting point but an occasion to exchange and share experiences and professional knowledge.

Firstly, the theme: mankind at the centre of Innovative Industry.

As you know, putting people at the centre of any action has always been SAPA’s priority. We received this teaching from our father, and we try to implement it in different ways, always.

Although SAPA grew considerably over time (particularly over the past year, thanks to the acquisition of the Selmat Group SpA and, previously of Brigoni SpA), we decided to remain a family-run business.

If you think about it, this decision is not to be taken for granted but it allows us to confirm our commitment towards one single objective every day. And not only that.

We believe that it is a way (not the only way, of course, but our way) to eliminate the distance between employees and management that is often typical of big businesses. SAPA is first of all a family.

We always make sure that our customers become part of this atmosphere and of this ambiance. Because we believe that this differentiates us and that it can bring better results.

During this exhibition, a lot of visibility is given to the theme of training.

This is another element in common with SAPA, because at SAPA research and production are inseparable. In a way, the one would not lead anywhere without the other.

At SAPA, as a matter of fact, we have a department called Innovation Engineering, which was specially created to implement the requirements of the R&D department within a short period of time.

The Innovation Engineering department is part of a section we call SAPA ACADEMY, which encompasses all the education and training programmes taking place at SAPA. Among these, is the collaboration with University: every year we offer scholarships for the best students who have shown interest in technological aspects related to our sector.

Industry 4.0, a name that encloses an entire world, in which in we are active every day with our work.

If industry 4.0 has the objective of integrating new technologies to improve productivity, quality and work conditions, then I feel it’s calling me.

SAPA has been moving in the direction of process automation for a couple of years.

Here are two examples of applications.

  • One-Shot® Method
  • HIM, Human Interface Mate

The One-Shot® Method, as you know, is our patented method and is known as the world’s fastest method to produce car parts.

Resting on the reduction of production phases, the One-Shot® Method produces more lightweight parts, and guarantees high quality standards, better cost efficiency and less waste.

HIM on the other hand, is a system we use that is capable of identifying and warning about errors in the work cycle. In short, it is “the guardian angel” for operators in the production plants.

Its effects are remarkable:

  • It results in a dramatic reduction in the number of operator’s errors, thus avoiding waste and malfunctions;
  • It avoids all chances that the problem lands with you, because we were able to intercept it;

It guarantees top-notch quality standards.

And it is precisely on the themes of design and process development that our engineers Mr Alfonso Molaro and Mr Innocenzo Macchiarolo shared their know-how in a specialised session held on 14 February.

The parts produced with the One-Shot® Method were the focus of their speech because the objective of the A&T programme was to share know-how and skills by pointing out to some of the Italian best performers in innovation.

Being acknowledged not only as a manufacturer but also as an example of innovation was a great honour for us. 
And it is also a confirmation that we are directing our efforts and our commitment towards something that is truly unique.

The Engine Beauty Cover and the new Aero Shield by SAPA produced with the One-Shot® Method.

Kind regards,


Giovanni Affinita

Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors at SAPA


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