The Industry 4.0 revolution, Giovanni Affinita’s remarks published in Il Sole 24 Ore

Investing in innovation and young people is an essential process for Italian companies: after attending the German-Italian Conference in Berlin, here my remarks on Industry 4.0 pubblished in Il Sole 24 Ore

As you know, a few days ago I had been in Berlin, invited to the Italian German Forum “Investing in Italian Innovation: Digital Solutions and the challenge of Industry 4.0”, organized by the Italian Embassy in Berlin, ICE and The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany.
With excitement and pride I presented our vision on smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, at the same table with Bosh, BASF and Lamborghini, example of authentic Italian and German industrial excellence.
Industry 4.0 has gotten pretty popular lately; there is growing discussion of it, for good reason.

The real industrial automation not only merely increases production and its quality, but people’s working conditions as well.

“It’s the man who makes the difference”

My father always used to say that, and SAPA was built around this.
Innovation and young people have been part of our industrial project for a long time: every year we double the number of patents and we have created a dedicated desk called “ Innovation in Engineering”.
What about young people?
Well, we have been passionately committed with The Angelo Affinita Prize, a European competition to award 22.000 euro to Bachelor’s Thesis, PhD or research project addressed to the best Engineering and Chemistry graduates and doctorates of the European universities.

As you can see, these are subjects dear to us and 2017 has been dedicated to innovation and R&D investment, with a great achievement in turnover as well, with + 25% compared to last year!

A great year of satisfaction: a partnership agreement with Porsche for developing and manufacturing components of their new electric project, the Porsche Mission E; in October we have been awarded among the top 5 patents at the “Innovation Award” in Detroit, with our entirely Made in Italy innovation.
What a trill being on the podium with the likes of Ford and General Motors!
A rapid growth, which, however, should not mislead you:
It runs deep, years of hard work and practical implementation. Trials, fails, and trials and fails again. Until the patents and the ability to take our client’s car components one step further showed up.
I believe this is Industry 4.0, just like I had the honor to present it in the Italian Embassy in Berlin, not long ago.

The same honor I have today, with my comments published in Il Sole 24 Ore, where I reiterated the importance of investment in innovation, a look at digital revolution and new technologies, the uptake of Industry 4.0: they are the groundwork for the future of Italian companies:

You can read it here —>

Enjoy your reading!

P.S: If you want to further explore this topic and discuss it with our engineers, write now to, one of SAPA Genius will contact you within 24 hours.


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